The Terminal Decay Concordance

Terminal Decay by unslinky is a fan fiction novel that takes place shortly after the episode "The Planet of the Dead"in the series Doctor Who. The story is Alternate Universe to everything Doctor Who and Torchwood after that. Unslinky started posting this amazing story in May 2010 and here it is March 2011 and the story is far from being completed. The story is on the website A Teaspoon and an Open Mind.

I am such a big fan of this novel and it's amazing complexities, I decided to write a
concordance for Terminal Decay.
The labels in this blog can be used to track of who's who and what's what in the novel. For instance if you scroll down to "seizures" you'll find that it has (3). When you click on that label you'll come up with the Chapters that has someone having a seizure: Chapter 410, 509, 555.
The summaries are just to jog your memory and sometimes I'll write something pertaining to that Chapter that is a bit of TD trivia. The Blog Entries themselves are listed below the rather long (and bound to be even longer) Labels section. Summary inconsistencies should be directed to me and I'll make corrections.
Writing this is a long process so I'm far from being caught up but I'm trying! One final thing: I am American so my phrasing and spelling may look a little "off" to you in the UK
Allons-y, Donnaj

Monday, February 14, 2011

Terminal Decay Chapter 555

Chapter 555 link

The morning's activities are delayed about an hour so that everyone who stayed up most of the night can get a little sleep. Everyone has breakfast. Jack has not yet returned from stretching his legs. The Doctor awakes and is given several updates on everyone's condition, including how he fractured his garansicht when he had suffered two violent seizures. The Doctor asks about Jacko, Ryan and Pete and is concerned about John hurting his back and being in a jacket. The pain that the Doctor is feeling is excruciating causing him to involuntarily try and go into regeneration and respiratory bypass. John talks the Doctor through his pain and the bypass is adverted. Before he passes out from the pain, the Doctor says something to John in Gallifreyan: Kal histal…" and "Ej… n’jaro…" To which John sighs and replies that he is sorry.

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