The Terminal Decay Concordance

Terminal Decay by unslinky is a fan fiction novel that takes place shortly after the episode "The Planet of the Dead"in the series Doctor Who. The story is Alternate Universe to everything Doctor Who and Torchwood after that. Unslinky started posting this amazing story in May 2010 and here it is March 2011 and the story is far from being completed. The story is on the website A Teaspoon and an Open Mind.

I am such a big fan of this novel and it's amazing complexities, I decided to write a
concordance for Terminal Decay.
The labels in this blog can be used to track of who's who and what's what in the novel. For instance if you scroll down to "seizures" you'll find that it has (3). When you click on that label you'll come up with the Chapters that has someone having a seizure: Chapter 410, 509, 555.
The summaries are just to jog your memory and sometimes I'll write something pertaining to that Chapter that is a bit of TD trivia. The Blog Entries themselves are listed below the rather long (and bound to be even longer) Labels section. Summary inconsistencies should be directed to me and I'll make corrections.
Writing this is a long process so I'm far from being caught up but I'm trying! One final thing: I am American so my phrasing and spelling may look a little "off" to you in the UK
Allons-y, Donnaj

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Terminal Decay Chapter 559

Chapter 559 link

Returning to the ward John learns that Jacko slipped out of his bed and bumped his head and his arm. Jacko will have to be sedated so that they can scan his arm for any further injuries. Donna talks to John about his attitude and snapping at people. She takes John out of the ward and into isolation room B up to the bed where Rose lies in an Artron energy sustained brain death.

Terminal Decay Chapter 558

Chapter 558 link
Sue returns to the ward, having gotten a few hours of sleep and a shower. Pete will be operated on by Sue and Phil. John explains that he will show Donna and Tom how to set and use the tissue regenerator. Ryan is moved to a side treatment room where the tissue regenerator will be used on him by John. John explains the procedure and that they will be using STOGS (splinty things of Gallifrey) to set his legs (as he nor Donna can remember the real name of the instrument) which fires laser pins into the bone. John and the Donna get into a bit of a dust up about how the STOGs should be explained to Ryan. John becomes agitated with Ryan and snaps at him about wanting to delay the tissue regenerator treatment so that he can rest. John has an outburst that everyone will be fixed up and healed but his life will never be the same. Donna cautions John that if his sons see him so upset they could be further traumatized.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Terminal Decay Chapter 557

Chapter 557 link

Jack returns to the ward and is advised by John that the Doctor is in a lot of pain but will be able to use the energy and cautions that he will have to continue to be monitored with the fractured bones. John is frustrated that everyone wants him to sleep when he doesn’t want to be asleep. Angela, Lee and Andy visit the ward. John helps Jacko draw pictures. John asks Andy and Lee to do a bit of shopping for him and to also buy clothing that they need as well as clothing for Ryan and DVD’s that they might like to watch while Ryan recouperates and to buy Legos using his credit card trusting them to be sensible with the card and that his pin number is 5646. It is also discovered that John loves expensive designer jeans , which Jackie confirms that he once spent 650 quid on a pair of limited edition jeans. John asks Jackie if she remembered to bring his chair, which Jackie “forgot” as asked by Sue to try and get John to rest in bed.

Terminal Decay Chapter 556

Chapter 556 link

Chapter 556

John explains to Martha the reason the painkillers are not very affective to relieve the Doctor’s pain from his broken femur: it is the way his nerves are wired in his body. A fractured femur causes intense physical pain as well as neurological pain. The Doctor’s nerve and pain receptors are overtaxed causing him to go into respiratory bypass, a very scary thing when you’re conscious. John tells Martha and Gwen and Phil that the Doctor told him in Gallifreyan that it hurts and he couldn’t (perhaps withstand the pain). The other term, Garanschidt is the “little bit of shock absorbing bone at the end of his long bones.”
John explains the reason why he can’t talk in Gallifrey the way the Doctor can is because his throat is that of a human’s and that he may teach Jacko how to write and read Gallifreyan when he’s older. There’s also discussion of getting Legos for Jacko and the adults, and having a taller walker made for Michael to build his legs up. Jacko’s birthday is in June and will starting infant school in September, Jacko’s reading level is that of a child of seven or eight years old.
John and Rose are financially secure. He earns £475,000 a year at Torchwood. £300,000 a year for consulting. He receives about about a million a year from Vitex . He earns about £25,000 more a year teaching the piano, and has three albums recorded he receives around £50,000 a year royalties on the royalties for recordings. Rose receives her salary plus about 3 million a year in shares from Vitex. John’s three piano recordings have made the top ten in Classical Music. Talking about his finances, John realizes that Rose took care of mundane tasks like bill paying and has to leave the ward.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Terminal Decay Chapter 555

Chapter 555 link

The morning's activities are delayed about an hour so that everyone who stayed up most of the night can get a little sleep. Everyone has breakfast. Jack has not yet returned from stretching his legs. The Doctor awakes and is given several updates on everyone's condition, including how he fractured his garansicht when he had suffered two violent seizures. The Doctor asks about Jacko, Ryan and Pete and is concerned about John hurting his back and being in a jacket. The pain that the Doctor is feeling is excruciating causing him to involuntarily try and go into regeneration and respiratory bypass. John talks the Doctor through his pain and the bypass is adverted. Before he passes out from the pain, the Doctor says something to John in Gallifreyan: Kal histal…" and "Ej… n’jaro…" To which John sighs and replies that he is sorry.

Terminal Decay Chapter 554

Chapter 554 | link

Martin gives Ryan the No Pain for his pain now that he is awake. John considers giving Kingsley and Lucy the No Pain for their pain relief also. John explains to Mickey that the Doctor is bound to the TARDIS and doesn’t believe he has the right to let anyone onto the Doctor’s ship without his knowledge or permission. Martha observes that John is very tender in all his actions concerning his sons and worries about John needing rest and his negative reaction to the Doctor when he had started to wake. There is a discussion on farts and vegetables between Simon and John and Ryan.
Simon informs John about the processing of the sample of Jack’s energy to be given to the Doctor, of which he and Donna are both pleased with the results. Greg has finally landed in Gatwick and should arrive at Torchwood. Donna, Greg, Nelly, Simon and George are working in the lab in pairs. After reading the results of the energy transfer on the PDA John concurs that the energy plasma will help the Doctor and plans to give him the energy at one liter every six hours. Simon tells John about the protein synthesis for Rose. John advises Simon to keep Sue informed on the progress on the protein and Artron energy. John contemplates that his life with Rose is finished now and the thought of being a part of her treatment was something he thought he couldn’t emotionally handle.
Martha confides in Simon that she believes that John needs to have some uninterrupted rest.

Terminal Decay Chapter 511

Chapter 511 link

Having broken his leg while trying to retrieve the brace for the Doctor, Jack has trapped himself in the brace and has broken his leg and wants to heal his leg by using his gun to kill himself. Donna believes that although that is a quick way to sort out the broken leg it might be best if Jack agrees to have his leg set and heal the normal way in order to give everyone else a good example. Jack disagrees because he feels if he is hurt then he can’t be there for the Doctor. Meanwhile Andy is still holding the Doctor’s leg so that his femoral arteries are not sheared by a broken bone. Jack and Ianto discuss his pain and that although it hurts terribly sense he is a 51st century male his nervous system is slightly different and the pain isn’t as bad as it would be for a 21st century human. Ianto and Jack also discuss the mutated protein that carries the Artron energy in Jack and how if it’s synthesized it may be able to help Rose, although his healing with Artron energy only works on soft tissue, and being an immortal and shooting yourself to revive isn’t simple: it’s hard to kill yourself and then revive. For now, Jack believes if he delays shooting himself and Donna does the scans then everyone may benefit from knowing how his healing works on bones.